3 Ways to Stay Motivated While Working From Home

Everyone struggles with productivity from time to time. Fight off those slow, uninspired days with these ways to stay motivated as you work from home.

We all have our slow days at work. Whether it’s a Monday morning or just one of those days when inspiration seems to leave you behind, unmotivated days happen to all of us. However, now that many professionals have started working from home, new challenges threaten productivity. From household distractions to your comfortable couch beckoning you, there are a lot of ways for distraction to find you as you work. To help you stay on task and at your best, here are our top ways to stay motivated while working from home.


Get Up Early

Without a commute—or a need to pick your best office outfit for the day—it’s tempting to stay in bed for that extra hour or so. As nice as extra sleep is, it’s still important to get up early. Sticking to your regular schedule gives you time to wake up and prepare for the day before sitting down at your desk. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the extra time in your day. Instead of sleeping in, try sitting down with your coffee and a book or cooking a proper breakfast before the workday begins. This will help you start the day fresh and ready for whatever your job throws at you.


Keep Up with Regular Breaks

When you work at home full-time, the line between being on the clock and being at home starts to blur. One of the best ways to stay motivated while working from home is to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Set aside time each day to take your full breaks and lunch. When the day is done, close everything down and step away from your workspace. You still deserve the time to step back, relax, and recharge. Similarly, it’s important to take your vacation days when you need them. Create boundaries and give yourself time to put work down and enjoy your well-earned time off.


Make Your Desk the Best it Can Be

A bright, successful professional deserves a workspace that matches her potential. Everyone’s home office is different, but it should still fit your needs. Whether it’s an actual office or a corner of a room, make sure you outfit it with everything you need for a productive day. Set up any equipment you need, such as a second monitor or high-quality headset. In addition to functionality, your home workspace should also suit your style and personality. You bring in photos and other decorations to your office desk, so why not give your home workspace the same treatment? You can brighten your workspace with decorations, knick-knacks, and colorful office supplies. Customize the background on your home computer or rearrange the space behind you to keep it interesting for video calls. When you enjoy your environment, you have a better time sitting down and performing your best every day.