A Guide to Rebranding Your Business Website

In order to move with the times, sometimes companies and entrepreneurs need to make the difficult decision to rebrand themselves or their companies. It’s important to keep in mind this is not a venture to enter into lightly and there are three main stages to focus on during this elaborate process. They are known as The Before, The During, and The After.


The Before

This is the planning stage for your website. It is the moment you weigh all the pros and cons to decide whether a rebranding is worth the cost and effort. This is when you research your keywords and your competition and see what their branding strategies are like compared to yours. It’s also the time to face some important questions, such as when was the last time your website/storefront/logo was updated, whether your company vision has changed, whether you are losing customers, how your industry has evolved, etc. Even if you do own a brick and mortar business, concentrating on a website rebranding is the quickest and least expensive option for a company facelift.  It’s also important to analyze your website analytics. Find out where your bottlenecks lie. Maybe you need an SEO reformatting as well as a website re-do.


The During

This is the action stage of your operation. It’s when you thoroughly make use of the best possible keywords to use for your SEO overhaul and then optimize away. Websites like AnswerThePublic help define which are the most effective SEO keywords out there regarding your industry. Make sure all of your website elements are fully optimized, such as your URL, page titles, image names, and metadata behind all your site pages.

If your online presence feels old and dated, it also helps to come up with a visually appealing website. Many development platforms have templates available to make the rebranding process easier, but it’s also possible to code changes if you have those skills.


The After

This is the analyzing stage. Looking again at analytics, this is when you check to see whether the changes you’ve made have made a difference in sales or readership (if you have a blog). Since every blog post is in itself it’s own webpage, it’s easy to do analytics on every single one. If you have SEO optimization across the board and provide decent content, you should see the after effects clearly after your rebranding.