Do You Experience Limiting Belief?

The commonality I find of motivated people is that most come from humble
beginnings and limiting belief. They share their experiences in the form of story- telling posts. The openness draws in their audience that has the desire to learn more.

Find people who are with you or step around to advance.

My Story About Limiting Belief
Two recent conversations were about childhood and the motivation to get past the hardships. In my case, the first limiting belief was that women were not to pursue their fondest desires because they would ultimately fail.

Yesterday, I was asked about athletic ability in my family. Hidden away, I released stories about my ability to make baskets, strategically hit ping pong balls on the side of the table as they slid off, and hit a home run across the school yard. The notoriety got around alright. I was laughed at and scorned, including by the 5th-grade teacher.

My silent reward was in recognizing that I could do it!

Knowing and recognizing what could be done spurred me on to do more. By the end of 5th grade, I began formalizing my plan and goals for the eventual transition to Junior High. But upon asking others about their goals, I was looked at as if I were an alien from outer space.

Goals and determination to move forward my way grew stronger due to the growing negativity. I began paying attention to how people behaved and the reactions of others. The practice gave way to determine what I might do differently. Ridicule again provided the point of no return and paved the way for establishing my personal brand.

The only expectation was for women to have families of their own. I questioned why go to college if the goal was to stay home? The limited belief was I would meet an intelligent man and get married. But I saw that as not being true to my values and priorities.

I grew into fighting the status quo. Instead, I leafed through the course catalog to find a subject matter to hold my interest to make it through to graduation.

All of the above experiences proved to be excellent training for my sales career and today’s business environment.

A plan in place, maintaining focus, and setting goals help advance the success.

Stubbornness for when people laugh or tell you to quit is the saving grace. A standout personal brand has prospective clients seeking you out.

Knowing our values and priorities and what we wish to accomplish gets us on the right path. The planning, goals, and revision due to trial and error will help get us there.

For more insight read “Do You Listen to Music to Gain Ideas?”

I’m on Twitter every day to share and receive insights. What I most appreciate on the platform:
• The wisdom of those who have gone before me
• The magnificent pictures that prompt creative ideas
• Words of inspiration that inspire the rest of my day
• Sharing what I find motivating and inspiring
• Developing conversations with similar minded people

I begin and end the day by reading and sharing the helpful and motivating tweets of others.

Your Story
In your spare time give thought to how you arrived at your current status. List the hardships you encountered along the way. For each troubling situation recall the story behind it. Compare the similarities in how you handled the difficulties, and how the events shaped both your personality and career.

When limiting belief came your way, did you:
· Regretfully give up
· Substitute one activity for another
· Stand firm to make your idea work
· Do you have a standout personal brand
· Do you share your history for others to learn?

Should there be a burning desire within you, consider how you may contribute to change. The younger generation is beginning to take matters into their hands to voice their concerns where they were not previously heard. A collaborative effort creates a more robust solution.

Nothing is impossible with the determined effort of continued perseverance.

Sales Tips for Limited Belief:
1. Ignore the cruel words of others
2. Listen to your heart, mind, and intuition
3. Create a private ‘board of directors’ to help pave the way
4. Enlist formal help when needed

5. Continue improving upon what you already know
6. Take an occasional risk to see how it plays out
7. Failure does not exist when you learn from the experience and try again
8. Use negativity as the motivator to continue your pursuit
9. Smile as baby steps are successfully made
10. Celebrate Success!