How Emotionally Fit Are You?

In 2018, the new formula for career success is emotional. More specifically, Emotional Fitness.

Emotional Fitness is a key capability that helps you connect emotionally and empathise with others, building the foundations for strong relationships in the workplace. It’s a skillset that helps you collaborate well with others, maximise your performance at work and rise through the ranks of your company.

Why does Emotional Fitness matter?

With the rise of automation and robotics, an employee’s ability to engage people and drive innovation is a key differentiator – both for recruiters and customers.

When customers need to interact with a person, they expect a highly engaged, emotionally intelligent person who can understand their individual situation and deliver a personalised solution. That’s why a new type of person is being sought after by recruiters: one with the Emotional Fitness to thrive in the modern workplace.

Answer yes/no to these 5 simple questions to assess your level of Emotional Fitness

  1. Do you understand why you feel the way you do and how it shows up in your behaviour?
  2. Can you shift your mood from negative to positive to make the most of the day?
  3. Do you know how to adjust your style to influence different personality types?
  4. Can you bounce back from set-backs and move on?
  5. Can you control your emotions so you don’t do anything you regret?

If you scored 5/5 ‘yes’ answers or mostly ‘yes’ answers, congratulations! Just like physical fitness, you have worked hard to finetune your emotional competencies and you have reached a good level of Emotional Fitness. You have set yourself up for successful relationships, both at work and in life.

If you scored mostly ‘no’ answers or even 5/5 ‘no’ answers, don’t despair! This is very normal. After all, Emotional Fitness isn’t something you’re born with – it’s a skillset that is learnt and developed over time, just like Physical Fitness.

By improving your Emotional Fitness, you will enhance your resilience, adaptability, happiness at work and in life and foster better relationships. It’s never too late to learn the exercises needed to build emotional strength and embed these into your everyday routine.