How To Avoid The Pitfalls Of Hybrid Work

Depressed young businessman holding head in hands, has problem, a laptop on the desk. A guy made a mistake in a work

It’s no longer common to work a usual 40-hour week in an office. In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the use of remote and hybrid working practices. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), unified communications, and software as a service (SaaS) solution have enabled workers to complete their tasks without physically being in the same location. This frees them from the daily grind of commuting into the office. Any employee, from a web designer to an online marketer, can operate in a hybrid setting.


Understanding Hybrid Work

Hybrid work is a people-first approach to workforce management that boosts performance and employee happiness by reducing burnout, anxiety, and isolation. Employees in a hybrid model have the option to work from home or another location where they can be most productive. However, several difficulties come with a hybrid environment. Hybrid working can cause stress and exhaustion if not effectively managed.

For that reason, this post will look at some of the most common pitfalls that can be encountered while doing hybrid work, as well as some strategies for avoiding such pitfalls.


1. Employee Burnout

Because there is no physical separation between work and home, employees working remotely may confuse the two and find it difficult to switch modes when they get home. Workers may have trouble knowing when to stop working, leading to overwork, stress, and burnout.

Burnout is a complex problem with different causes; thus, organizations need multifaceted solutions. Even if a hybrid form of employment suits most people, constant changes might be unsettling. Mismanaged transitions cause tension, anxiety, and exhaustion.

If you’re a leader or manager, you must think about promoting happiness, societal cohesion, and productivity at work. You can find the best practices online or here: How to prevent employee burnout. 


2. Proximity Bias

One of the most recognized pitfalls of hybrid work is the issue of proximity bias. It’s when supervisors give special treatment to workers who are physically close to them. Remote workers may be left out of essential decision-making processes, discussions, or career development opportunities.

It’s likely that remote workers will be viewed as less committed to their jobs than their on-site colleagues. Establishing channels of communication across the firm and among teams can help mitigate this problem. Having everyone ‘visible’ and participating in different conversations on a digital collaboration system can help eliminate the gap caused by proximity bias in the workplace.


3. Poor IT Security

A growing number of remote workers has raised concerns about the safety of the company’s IT infrastructure. It’s easier for hackers to target remote workers since they have less control over their physical location.

Using personal networks and devices that aren’t as secure as the company’s network increases security risks. Plus, some remote workers may not know the latest IT security standards and practices.

To solve such problems, regular software upgrades, ad hoc testing, password management systems, and multi-factor authentication systems should be in place to protect the sensitive information of both businesses and employees. They should also be prepared to respond to a data breach.

Educating hybrid employees and taking measures to mitigate them is also a smart move.


4. Lack Of Collaboration

Communication and connectivity issues can frustrate hybrid workers. The most noticeable problems are technological; for example, how well do your current video conferencing tools and hardware support meetings with remote employees dial in? Some workers have a natural knack for collaborating and communicating digitally and will thrive in remote teams, but others don’t. This problem can weaken one’s professional network, mentorship program, and personal relationships.

To prevent this, hybrid workplaces must combine the best of the digital, human, and physical aspects to foster cooperation and inclusion for all employees. 

Here are two suggestions to follow:

  • Digital fluency is the key to releasing workforce agility and allowing people to create on technical grounds to unleash creativity and working techniques.
  • Rebuild connections. It may be difficult to start fresh with your workers in a hybrid work environment, but it’s worth the effort if it means everyone feels welcome, respected, and invested in their work.


5. Inflexible Schedule

Striking a balance between work and personal life has been an ongoing challenge for working individuals. A worker’s schedule is affected by many factors. Many professionals care for children, pets, or relatives outside of work. If excessive tasks stress a worker, their productivity may suffer. When your team is hit by workplace stress, it can have a disastrous effect on your business.

Giving workers the chance to set their own schedules improves productivity and job satisfaction. By setting aside specific times for employees to be online at the same time, managers can make sure everyone is available for team meetings while still allowing workers to choose their own hours.



Whether you think hybrid work models are the way of the future, businesses need to provide a structure that allows workers to be productive and happy in a continuously changing work environment.

For the hybrid work model to avoid the pitfalls and successfully support the workforce and the company’s mission, it must be tailored to the organization’s and employees’ unique needs and re-evaluated regularly.