Leadership Ideas for A Return to Work Normalcy

Serving Teams and Clientele To Rebuild Their Confidence

An exchange of leadership ideas for a return to work normalcy is needed more than ever.  The time is now to strategize how we foresee business growth as restrictions ease.

One strategy that never goes out of style is to listen carefully as other people speak. Anything we do not understand is a signal to ask questions. Continue to ask until you get the entire picture of what your teams, teammates, current clients, and prospects are trying to achieve.

When others detect you have a genuine interest in their well-being, a meaningful heart-to-heart conversational exchange develops. As the dialogue grows into sharing experiences, we ease our way into business growth.


Readjustment to Work Normalcy

Sharing leadership ideas for a return to work normalcy will help rebuild the team effort. As offices begin to re-open, executives will score well by showing concern for their employees. Teamwork is the exact opposite of being in isolation and will serve to quiet nerves and stress. 

To help your bottom-line, and avoid the revolving door syndrome, it’s essential to treat employees as if they are clients of the company.  Begin by providing a stricter cleanliness policy along with assurances regarding employee safety. Some may initially expect a modified social distancing until it appears everyone is healthy.


Leadership Ideas:

  1. The first team meeting might include a reconnecting over an in-door picnic lunch. People are more relaxed as they share a meal.Ask each person about their lockdown experience and have them tell a memorable story. The exercise will serve to rebuild camaraderie.

After the meeting, obtain feedback about the exercise. When you detect enthusiasm among most, suggest the team use similar measures with their clientele. Begin the initial reconnection with each prospect or client by asking about their experiences while they were in isolation.

  1. On the first call, remove any notion of trying to sell.

Instead, ask how the individual is doing and how the company is holding up. Inquire about their state of business, and if they are willing to share their thought for growth. The sincere concern most often triggers a more in-depth conversation. At the end of the update, ask the person if they would like to set an appointment for a more in-depth exchange about each other’s company status and how they foresee future growth.

  1. Give Your Team The High-Tech Challenge

Give each team member the assignment to learn something new about high-tech that they find intriguing. Ask them to prepare a five-minute presentation as to why it will increase business growth and sales. The challenge will also serve to help brush up sales and influence skills among the team. After everyone presents, vote for the favorite idea that everyone will agree to learn.


Benefits of the high-tech challenge are:

1    Sales and influence skills will revitalize.

2    Everyone learns something new.

3    The challenge encourages teamwork.

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Leadership Thought for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs will feel more pressure for a while as they attempt to ease into a new era. The stress over business growth, innovation, and sales is a lot to handle. There are multiple reasons to plan today for a return to work normalcy.


Consider the following:

  • Before isolation, what was it you wanted to do but didn’t have the time?
  • Is the idea still valid?
  • During isolation, which ideas repeatedly came to mind and will work well now?
  • Which strategies are ready to be let go?
  • Is it time to hire a mentor?
  • Will, a mastermind group, be helpful?

Whichever methods and strategies you believe will work best for you, act upon them as soon as possible.  Now and every day is the right time to review what you have accomplished and what needs to change. Only then can you move forward with improvements, and incorporate leadership ideas for a return to work normalcy.


Sales Tips:

1    Regain footing for where you were before the social distancing

2    List the leadership ideas you want to incorporate and prioritize

3    Create a program by reviewing and improving your strategies

4    Set higher goals than you believe are possible to achieve by December 2020

5    Work backward setting quarterly and monthly goals

6    Establish a program for efficiency in achieving the goals

7    Each month review and revise your goal-achievement program

8    Every Friday evening review your week and eliminate strategies that did not work well

9    Continue to set new goals for each week and each day; review each evening

10.    Celebrate success!


Enjoy The Smooth Sale!