The Power of Female Figures in Our Lives

The card store seems to have something for just about every occasion these days –graduating from kindergarten, sympathizing for the loss of a pet, or wishing someone safe travels for that dream vacation. And at first glance, Mother’s Day is no exception –beyond greetings for moms, there’s a card for your aunt, grandmother, stepmother, sister, best friend, dog mom and the list goes on. 

Despite all of those options, retail may be still missing out on something when it comes to Mother’s Day. 

We’ve all had that woman in our lives who may not technically be a mom at all, or at least not to us within our bloodlines, yet her example, compassion, and caring made a motherly world of difference to us. A neighbor. A teacher. A professional mentor. A pastor. A coach. You get the picture, and there is probably a special someone from your own life coming to mind right now. 

The takeaway here is the recognition of a special skill set that women possess –one that demonstrates empathy while helping and leading the way for others. We’ve likely all benefited from a “non-mom mom” who has done this for us, so it’s important to not only recognize that but to also demonstrate it ourselves in our own busy lives. 

So while there may be a lot of information circulating out there this Mother’s Day about buying that perfect gift for your mom, instead, we’re going to take a look at three ways you can show appreciation for all whose special maternal abilities and contributions paved the way in your life.

1. Let it be known. 

It may sound simple, but if you had a special neighbor, teacher, etc. growing up, who you have since lost touch with, make an effort to reconnect. Leverage Facebook or other online means to find the person if you do not have the appropriate contact information. Write an email, or even better yet a real letter(!!), letting this special lady know the impact she has had. It’s easy to assume people already know this, but many times that is not the case.

2. Charity of choice. 

Recognize or remember someone with an act of charity. For example, if a memorable professor of yours loved a particular organization, consider making a donation in her honor or memory, or even participating in a fundraising event. You can also give the gift of time and volunteer there.

3. Pay it forward. 

If you fondly recall how your college advisor helped to shape your vision and career goals, think about how you can help a young adult do that now. Whether it’s through offering an internship or just some correspondence and guidance, remember how helpful this time and effort were to you, and know that it’ll be just as important to the person you reach out to now. 

Hallmark card or not, Mother’s Day 2018 serves as an ideal opportunity to think about the power of female figures and their maternal influence on our lives. Dare we think about where we’d be without it! Lucky for us, we don’t have to, and we now have the chance to put a spotlight on this amazing gift during a meaningful, appropriate time of the year.