What are the Benefits of Mobile Forms?

Mobile forms are the latest craze in online marketing and this article explains why they should be on your radar. In fact, if you aren’t already using them for some or all of your business needs then it is time that you start! Here are just a few reasons why:
1) They can help increase conversions
There has been much talk about how digital advertising works these days so we know what converts but not necessarily why. Mobile forms have helped marketers understand this better than ever before. When people go onto a website from their phones, they are looking for something specific – whether it is an enquiry form, a download option, or any other option, which means there is a good chance that they will convert into a lead or sale when they find exactly what they were after.

This is one reason why many businesses use mobile forms as part of their conversion strategy. They also make sense because most people now carry around their phone everywhere they go – even while out walking the dog, meaning that they may well see your advert at any given moment. It would seem logical that having access to your contact details whenever someone wants to get hold of you could mean more leads or sales for you. And let me add another benefit; by collecting data using a user-friendly form gives you valuable insight into who your customers really are and helps improve future campaigns.

2) It makes life easier for marketers
The ability to collect relevant information whilst on the move is convenient for both clients and employees alike. For example, if you work away from home regularly, you may often wish to record timesheets during travel. Or maybe you organise meetings over email and prefer to keep track of attendees via Google Calendar instead.

Whatever the case, being able to quickly capture the relevant information wherever you happen to be saves lots of hassle later down the line. Even simpler tasks such as requesting quotes or booking appointments can be done easily through a quick tap of a button. As long as you have access to the internet, everything should just fall into place.

3) Streamlines processes
Mobile form deployment often takes an organization’s processes to an entirely new level. Leveraging forms can help route data between field and office workers with a click of a button, which minimizes data entry and re-entry tasks, paper transportation, tedious paperwork, and paperwork storage costs.

4) Mobile forms are here to stay
As mentioned earlier, mobile usage continues to rise year on year. In fact, according to Statista, in 2016 almost half of all web traffic was generated using smartphones alone! That equates to about 1 billion users worldwide. Of course, no matter how much people love their mobiles, some still prefer desktop computers.

However, with the increasing popularity of tablets and laptops, it seems likely that mobile devices will continue to dominate the market for years to come. What does this mean for business owners? Well, it means that you shouldn’t ignore them. Instead, embrace them and start thinking about ways to maximise the opportunities they present. After all, they’re already helping you reach more people every day. As long as mobile devices are being used, mobile forms will stay relevant for employees, their supervisors, and the organizations they work for.

5) You don’t need to build anything new
If you currently have a site set up, then chances are you won’t need to spend money building a whole new system to use forms. Many companies offer simple solutions such as creating custom landing pages or offering responsive design options. If you want to take things further though, you might consider setting up a dedicated app which can be integrated with a mobile form where users can access or view relevant data via a tablet or smartphone.

Apps are becoming increasingly popular among consumers and they provide a great way to engage with your audience. The potential benefits include increased engagement rates and improved customer satisfaction levels. So, rather than spending thousands of pounds developing a separate mobile version of your existing site, why not simply create a link between the two? You could do this by adding a ‘mobile-friendly’ tag to your current page and linking directly to your mobile apps. Remember, forms should be responsive too.

Forms facilitate the collection and sharing of actionable data. In fact, written entry fields and checkboxes can provide so much information beyond “yes” or “no” answers. Besides, recorded mobile data is better organized and often immediately available within the system. That means your office employees can easily collaborate with those in the field. This leads to streamlined operations, higher productivity, and increased efficiency within your organization.