What Is Content Marketing And How Can It Help Your Business?

Many think that it is the part of digital marketing that is responsible for creating content. That part is true, although such definition is too short, so short that it is useless. Creating content does not mean doing content marketing. Are you even more confused than before you started reading the post? Then I’ll try to explain in the simplest way possible what content marketing is and how it can help you and your business.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a technique that is based on creating valuable content to attract your targets. That is, instead of approaching your potential clients in a very direct or even aggressive way, you attract them by offering free content of interest that can be very useful to them.

It is a long-term strategy in which it is necessary to invest time and resources, but if done well, the results are worthwhile. Before launching yourself into the ring and start creating content, do not forget that you need to have a good content marketing strategy, created specifically for your business, in which you will consider which sector you belong to, what is your target, what are the objectives, etc. This strategy is essential to obtain good results and a good return on investment. You should also consider meeting with a WordPress web development company that can help you.

The main objective of content marketing is to demonstrate that you can offer what your target audience needs and help you solve your problems., You want to sell, but your product will never be the protagonist of your strategy.

You will have the opportunity to show the audience how good your products and services are, but this will be done subtly, always bearing in mind that the most important thing is to meet the needs of the client. Having a site created by a WordPress web development company will assist you in your marketing campaign.

How content marketing can help your business

Now that you know what content marketing is, you need to learn the benefits you’ll enjoy if you decide to bet on this technique. But you must remember that it is a long-term strategy, and you cannot expect sudden miracles. Here are some of its advantages:

• Content marketing is a great way to connect with your target audience and offers you the opportunity to get to know it more thoroughly.

• If you offer content of value, you will gain the trust of the readers and also their loyalty. If you manage to “hook” with valuable content to your target, you will not only attract more customers, but you will get them to repeat.

• Another important benefit of investing in content marketing is that your business will position itself as a benchmark in the sector, increasing its credibility and authority. In this way, it is easier for them to take you into account when they need services like the ones you offer.

• It is one of the most effective ways to improve your search engine positioning.

• It is a great and very effective way to promote a brand or its products and services without the aggressiveness associated with traditional advertising.

• It is one of the most effective tools to get leads (people who have provided their data through landing page forms) of quality. 

In summary, you will know your target better; you will attract them by offering the content they need. They will reward you with their trust and loyalty, and you will be able to convert them into customers. You can enjoy all the benefits offered by content marketing by contacting a WordPress web development company.

What does Inbound Marketing have to do with all this?

In your search for “what is content marketing” you must have found a topic on “Inbound Marketing” on several occasions. These are terms that many people confuse or do not understand very well. The first thing you should know after learning the meaning of content marketing is that it is part of Inbound Marketing, but they are not synonymous.

Inbound Marketing consists of a series of techniques that allow potential customers to come to you to know your products and services. For this reason, it is also known as attraction marketing. By offering value in a non-intrusive way, potential clients do not feel pressured to consume, but they perceive you as a friendly company, that is there to help them as much as you can, and that always offers them the valuable content that responds to their needs.

The three pillars of Inbound Marketing are; content marketing, SEO, and social media which will be considered when you hire a WordPress web development company. There must be a strategy that encompasses these three parts and includes combined actions, as it is the only way to achieve great results in Inbound Marketing.

If you correctly implement inbound marketing techniques, you will know your target much better. You will become their biggest supplier of valuable contents. You will help your audience understand what they need and let them become your loyal customers.

Types of content you can offer your audience

You already know what content marketing is, but what should you publish? Content marketing limits only your imagination and creativity. There are many types of content that you can offer your potential clients, and you can create authentic wonders that will make the most skeptical reader fall in love. A tip: do not stay alone in the basics and take advantage of all the possibilities of format offered by content marketing without ever losing sight of the main objective that is to give your audience what they need.

Post: The first thing that comes to mind when you think about content marketing is a blog. Logically, it is the most common way to share quality content on the internet. Having a corporate blog has many advantages, if you do it right, it can be a great help to position your business in Google, and the process becomes a benchmark in your sector. The content of this post must be original and provide value. Originality means that it has to be your content created exclusively for your blog.

Videos: Videos are a great way to get your brand to the consumer and sell your product or service, promote engagement and contribute to SEO. In addition to being more entertaining, videos are more likely to be shared, especially if they have an emotional or humorous component. If you are going to include videos in your content marketing strategy, you should have a Youtube channel where you can post your videos and share them. You can also share your videos on your site created by WordPress web development company.

Infographics: It is the most effective way to capture data and figures, give useful advice, or offer interesting information in a visual way. This type of content is often viral in social networks, which will significantly increase visits to your website or blog. 

Ebooks: You know your sector and your business like the back of your hand. What do you think about taking advantage of all that knowledge to create an ebook? This type of content is very popular with users and is a great way to get leads that you can use later to carry out email marketing campaigns.

Other types of content: images, tutorials, whitepapers, guides, magazines, presentations, webinars, templates, etc. You can make use of this technology for your business or personal use. Simply contact a WordPress web development company to take advantage of these tools.