What is Your Unique Leadership Promise?

Your Leadership Promise Might Not Be What You Think

In the age of Twitter and Instagram, you hear so many people talk about “authenticity” – but what does that actually mean for you as a leader? It’s probably not awkward social media posts. Recently I interviewed master-performer, emcee, and keynote speaker, Jason Hewlett, about authenticity. For Jason, authenticity is all about keeping your leadership promise.

Your promise is what makes you uniquely you. Here’s one example:



(You can watch or listen to my entire interview with Jason here.)


Your Leadership Promise

Maybe you don’t sing – it’s not my thing, but you definitely have a unique set of characteristics, talents, and values that make you the leader you are when you’re at your best.

For me, it’s teaching. My promise, the part of me that is so authentically me, is that I will invest in people and help them become the best version of themselves. It’s why I do the work I do. When I don’t live up to that best part of myself, I don’t lead well.

Teaching is my leadership promise; what’s yours?

One way Jason suggests you can identify your leadership promise is to think about who you promised yourself you would be when you were early in life. Are there areas where you’ve let that authentic-you hide? If so, it’s a great place to look for your leadership promise.

When you’re wondering how to show up authentically as a leader, think about the commitment you’ve made to your team. You might have made it years ago. Maybe you’ve never said it aloud. Regardless, that’s the authentic you. Own it and you’ll have more influence with your team and positive impact in the world.


Your Turn

Check out Jason’s interview – he’s an incredible example of what it means to keep your promise.