5 Ways to Celebrate the Seasons of the Year

Reawaken your creativity and reconnect with your inner core essence while you celebrate your Earth connection and the seasons.

Celebrating the seasons of the year helps us to deepen our connection with the universe and earth and in doing so, to deepen our connection with ourselves. By reconnecting with our inner core essence and the earth, we are able to be more fully present for our loved ones when we are with them, better manage stress, and have an increased sense of well-being.

You can prepare for your celebration of the season by considering what this particular season means to you. Each season is associated with a different time and stage of the year and the natural cycles and also different holidays and festivities that may inform your feelings towards it.


What does a particular season mean to you?

Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth, starting anew, also associated with spring cleaning and decluttering, preparing for our gardens, and enjoying the first signs of spring arriving as the early flowers, or buds beginning to open and certain birds returning. If you live in a location with snow and ice filled winters, perhaps you are used to a Spring thaw, when the big build-up of snow melts. There is a sense of rejuvenation as those of us in colder climates get outside and enjoy the warmer weather.  What will the rebirthed and renewed you look like?


Summer is a time of lush bold foliage and blooming gardens, enjoying hot summer weekends at the cottage or in our backyards, perhaps a barbecue or bon fire with friends and loved ones. We can honour the summer season by making the most of it. If you live in a location with a relatively shorter hot summer as I do, and longer cold winters, you really want to make the most of your summer by getting outside as much as possible. You can connect with the earth and universe by going outside earlier in the morning and in the evening to avoid the hottest part of the day if that is a concern for you or if you are walking a dog who doesn’t do well in the heat. Walking barefoot either in your backyard or on a beach at a lake will help you feel connected to the earth, sitting by a bon fire, meditating outside, gardening or even just sitting and reading or writing outside are activities that will help you feel more connected to the earth and universe. What are some ways that you can feel an inner joy and child-like delight this summer?


Fall or autumn is the season known as harvest time, as we reap what we sowed. Using the fruits and vegetables by preparing them to be used during the winter is something that we don’t all know anymore as not everyone knows about canning and preserving but if you are interested in this books and videos online can assist you in learning or ask an older relative or neighbour for some tips on how to do it. The act of canning and preserving or freezing foods to use during the upcoming winter is another way of connecting with the earth and universe.   

We give thanks during Thanksgiving (where I am, in North America) and reflect on our gratitude as we come together with our loved ones. Perhaps keeping a gratitude journal is something that you would enjoy doing this season and would speak to your soul. It can also just be 30 days of gratitude or 7 days of gratitude, it is important to do what works for you.


Winter time is often associated with festivities and celebration around religious holidays and new year’s celebrations. Also a time of cooking and baking for those celebrations and perhaps exchanging gifts with family and friends. Later winter can be a time of planning our gardens in our heads or on paper , and planning vacations to be taken later in the year. It can also be a time of needing more rest and having less energy if the days are shorter or we are exhausted after the hustle and bustle of the holidays. If you enjoy winter sports or walking outdoors, it may mean a time of outdoor joy and activity for you and this will help you to connect with the earth and universe.  How will you look after yourself to get through the winter season?


5 Ways to Celebrate the Seasons of the Year

Celebrate each equinox, the Vernal (Spring) equinox, Autumnal equinox, the Summer solstice, and the Winter solstice. Take a moment to pause and reflect on it. Read on to get some ideas of celebration rituals.

Incorporate a celebration ritual into the day made up of one or more of these activities:

  1. Choose seasonal activities that bring you joy and help you connect with the earth. Perhaps as part of your celebration ritual for the first day of that season you will choose one or two seasonal activities. Some examples are outdoor walking or sports, crafts using the natural materials available to you outside at that time, such as winter wreaths, summer wreaths made from grasses and wildflowers, art and writing using the natural world around you for inspiration for your visual art or poetry or songs. And cooking seasonal dishes.
  1. Gratitude journaling for that season. Write a list of things that you are grateful for specific to the season. The list can be as long or as short as you like, just let it flow, brainstorm, and you may be surprised how much flows out of your heart onto the page.
  1. Write down your intention for that season? What do you plan to do this season. Also write at least the first few action steps that you need to take to make the plans happen.
  1. Meditation centred around that season. Either find a guided meditation online, in a book, or get creative and write your own. It doesn’t have to be long, even just a few minutes long meditation will help you to reconnect with the earth and the universe.
  1. Art journaling for the season. Draw or collage an image or images to depict what the season means to you in your life right now or your intention for this season. Or you can just draw and collage a celebration of the season, depicting the visual images that you think of when you are in the season.


By incorporating some of these activities into a ritual the day of a solstice or equinox, you will be celebrating the season. And in doing so you will also be reconnecting with your inner core essence, and deepening your connection with the earth and the universe.


You may wish to download my free 33 page PDF:  Guided Workbook: 5 Ways to Celebrate the Seasons of the Year. It includes workbook activities and a meditation for each season to help you reawaken your creativity and reconnect with your inner core essence while you celebrate your Earth connection and the seasons. I keep my free resources, and this PDF Guided Workbook, available for download, in a free resource library. The library is open to everyone for free, all you need is the password to get in, which you can get HERE.  http://www.fionaharbour.com/library
