Essential Steps To Choose The Right Career Path

If you’re in the last stretch of your high school career, it’s time to start seriously thinking about your career path if you haven’t already. Even though you can adjust your academic and career plans along the way, it’s essential to have a five-year plan that defines direction. 


You won’t want to end up feeling stuck and unfulfilled as a professional or forced into a career change later on when your salary requirements don’t align well with your profession. But there are tons of compelling career paths out there, so picking the right one can feel overwhelming. 


So, if you aren’t sure where you want to see yourself in a few years, here are the essential steps to choosing a suitable career path. 


Complete A Personality Test

Knowing your personality type can help you find the most suitable career path. Employers often use the Myers-Briggs personality test to determine whether or not a candidate is eligible for a vacancy and if they will fit in well with the team and workplace environment. This personality test is free and will highlight various strengths and weaknesses while helping you better understand yourself. 


Complete A Career Aptitude Test

While a personality test will help you determine which work environments and settings you would function best in, a career aptitude test will offer recommendations and insights for careers that match your strengths and weaknesses. These tests are designed to help individuals find the most suitable career paths, so it’s wise to complete one. 


Research Career Details

While it’s crucial to find a career path that matches your interests and strengths, it’s just as important that your career path can support a comfortable lifestyle. With this, you must research the job role responsibilities, employee satisfaction rates, and salary averages. 


Find A Career Counselor

Career counsellors and college admissions consultants at Going Ivy can make finding the best career path a lot easier. Not only will you uncover the best career opportunities for your interests and skills, but you will also receive assistance with the college admissions process. Your consultant will find a selection of schools that align with your career goals and increase your chances of being accepted. 


Sign Up For An Internship

Completing an internship is a savvy way to decide whether or not a career path really is for you. Instead of romanticizing a job role simply because it suits your salary expectations or upholds your interests, working in the industry as an intern gives you the invaluable opportunity to make an informed decision. 


Choose The Right College

With your personality and career aptitude test results and the guidance of a professional college admissions consultant, you will be able to identify the most suitable career paths. Thereafter, it’s crucial to start the college admissions process. 


Your admissions consultant will help you round up the best colleges to support your academic and career goals. Moreover, these consultants will also help you build compelling admissions applications to increase your chance of acceptance.