How to Enhance Event Communications During an Event

The event you plan for requires careful attention during the planning and execution phase. Here’s how to communicate effectively during an event.

When you run an event planning business, your job boils down to how effectively you communicate. Your communication decisions and the structures you put in place affect the overall success of each event and the likelihood that your clients will become repeat customers. At no point is solid communication more vital than when you’re in the thick of an event and need to make adjustments quickly. To help you in these times, here’s how to enhance event communications during an event.

Utilize Two-Way Radios

To extend your communication’s reach at an event, consider first implementing a two-way radio network. Two-way radios specifically designed for instantaneous communication allow you to transmit messages from a distance. This system prevents downtime and confusion in an unforeseen situation, and it eliminates employees’ need to leave their posts and talk face-to-face. If you adhere to clear radio communication tips, such as identifying yourself before you speak, you’ll save time and ensure your event runs smoothly. In turn, your clients will be happier.


Connect With Vendors or Speakers Immediately

Another way to enhance event communication during an event is to connect with speakers and vendors as soon as they arrive. While you can wrangle your team easily and can coordinate beforehand, speakers and vendors—which become extensions of your operation—are more unpredictable. Having a point person ready to talk through their setup process and ask about their needs goes a long way towards making them part of your team for the day. Also, you prevent miscommunication from affecting the event when you connect early on.


Use Your Entrance to Orient Guests

Meanwhile, your guests need direction, too. There are not many opportunities to contact all your guests at once, meaning you need to utilize your entrance(s) intentionally. Be sure to communicate fully about the event’s itinerary, vendors, amenities, and other pertinent information. Depending on your event, notifying your guests of the location of the coat check, bathrooms, bar, or raffle tables is vital for their event enjoyment.