How to Make Your Brand Sell a Story

Humanity is built around stories. Everything around you gets contextualized into stories every single day. People are stories. That’s why storytelling is one of the best ways to make your business successful. Storytelling has been and is being used by the biggest and best brands in the world. After all, it’s the best way to convey the full reason why a customer should buy a product, especially if it is a luxury product. 

Stories can help put people in the right frame of mind. They are how you can set the mood, the tale, and even the hero (in this case, the customer). Selling your own products is hard enough on its own, of course. Throw in the complexity of selling another brand’s items, and you can easily start to stumble. 

Many businesses in brick-and-mortar locations today sell a mix of products from a wide range of brands. To help you get those products off the shelves, you will want to use this guide.

Fully Understand the Products You are Selling

One of the best and easiest ways for your brand to sell a story, especially if that story is for another company, is to understand the product. You need to know who the customer is buying that specific product. What are they like? What are their desires? Their budget? What story are they trying to build about themselves when buying a specific perfume type? Knowing the customers who buy these products is the first step towards selling a story that gets products purchased at blinding speeds. 

Make Sure Your Stock Aligns With Your Own Business’s Brand 

You must be very selective about the products you choose to stock on your shelves. After all, what and who you sell in your store will change your business story. That’s why you need to be selective when you visit to pick up perfumes at wholesale prices. You need to only choose the ones that your customers want and that you feel good about representing. 

Write Stories to Help Customers Pick Out the Best Product For Them 

It can be very hard for your chosen stock to stand out individually. Still, thankfully there are very simple ways you can use storytelling to help encourage more sales across the board and not just amongst the global beauty best sellers. 

With fragrances, you’ll want to describe the scent in question and what it feels like when you wear it. Take Chanel No.5, for example. The slogan for this perfume is The Essence of a Woman. In one sentence, the marketers could convey so much about the scent and the woman who wears it. This is particularly true in contrast to Coco Mademoiselle, whose slogan is A fragrance as independent as you are. In this case, the story is younger, fiercer, and it’s for a woman who is still stepping out into her own and is empowered because of it. 

You can opt for catchy, simple, or even create a full story for each product to help bring customers through the scent options. This is the power of storytelling, especially when it comes to products that ultimately boil down to preference, like fragrances.