Mirrors … Reflection and Perspective

Solidify your place in leadership with integrity, with strategy, by developing talent and by leading above reproach.

It is funny how one day you read about another person’s life lessons and then another day you are living them. I never thought the stories in the books about leading, managing, preserving in leadership would one day be my story. 

I had an experience where I watched individuals care more about winning than the health of the franchise. 

I often wonder if employee metrics drive this behavior or the personal desires of professional success. I speculate that certain individuals just want to be in charge. They want to drive their agenda and hold the highest position of power. They want to beat their chests, shout their titles, and all are singing in the rear-view mirror choir proclaiming the magnitude of the prior year’s achievements. Per Corporate rules, leaders are only as good as your last win. Strategic thought leaders build a legacy by prepaing for Tomorrow’s success.


I think achieving employee metrics results in personal satisfaction; therefore, one can drive the other making this behavior a combination of both. Often individuals want success intensely and their competitive nature drive them to display unhealthy behavior traits. Personal validation of achieving the goal ultimately outweighs everything and everyone else.

I once received the feedback to relax and not have too much ambition. Frankly speaking the suggestion was “to not want the job too badly.” Focus on the now and build skills for future performance and staying power. This is on the list of some of the best advice I’ve received.

This memory has re-surfaced as I watch leaders jockey for their personal gain. Without strategic thought or perspective of the franchise, arguments are entertained supporting archaic straegies. So, I ask myself what type of argument exist to gain leadership or more power if the direction to lead is unclear. It is not an illogical position, it is irrational.


The only thing one is leading is self-preservation. The strategy on display is how can I survive vs others. There is no place for this in business or life.

Instead of kick-starting creativity and intellect to add shareholder value I’ve watched leaders change the rules to win. This always backfires. My advice is to run from leaders that display this characteristic. Run toward leaders whose decisions are full of integrity and that result in good outcomes for company, the world, people, and the earth.

What is your response when self-preservationists change the rules? My advice is to change the conversation. While others are delivering commentary on their organization achievements or the importance of their empire, I suggest remaining fact based and elevating the conversation to the decision makers on what shareholder value exists in your organization, where your organization can further enhance shareholder value and the resources needed to execute shareholder value!

I encourage anyone dealing with these scenarios to remain athletes. When our backs our against the wall, we know how to win with integrity. Solidify your place in leadership with integrity, with strategy, by developing talent and by leading above reproach.

Stay firm, stay patient, stay professional and remain a class act!

I have not mastered it all yet sharing things I aim to master on my journey through life leading.