Top Tips For Nixing Stress And Cultivating Calm In 2023

Over the past few years, the world has become an undeniably stressful place, rocked by the pandemic, economic woes, and conflict in Europe. As a result, many of us are feeling understandably frazzled, even if we try to ignore the warning signs that our minds and bodies are out of kilter. 

With so much on our plates, there has probably never been a better time to focus on ways to lower our stress levels, calm our racing hearts, and find ways to create serenity and peace in the midst of our hectic daily lives. 

The good news is that there are plenty of techniques you can use to wave goodbye to stress and anxiety and restore the equilibrium of your mind and body. Intrigued? Read on to discover some helpful stress-busting tips that will hopefully make 2023 the year of renewed tranquillity for you and your loved ones. 

Give Meditation A Go

Meditation has been recommended to help lower stress levels for many years now, but in the wake of the pandemic, it has become more popular than ever. In the UK, downloads of mindfulness and meditation apps surged during the early months of Covid-19, and their widespread usage seems set to continue as the nation grapples with the cost of living crisis into 2023. 

If you’re still not convinced that meditating can work for you, just take a look at the science. There are numerous benefits to giving mindfulness and meditation a try, from significantly lowered stress levels to improved sleep and even improved memory. 

Start off with just five minutes a day, perhaps in the early morning or late evening, when you’re less likely to be disturbed, and allow the benefits of quietly inhabiting the moment to begin working their mindful magic. 

Reach For The Right Stress-Relievers

When we’re stressed, many of us deal with the unpleasant sensations it brings by reaching for the most convenient or pleasurable form of relief, but often these forms of self-medication only compound the problem. Cigarettes, alcohol, and sugary treats may make us feel calmer and happier in the short term, but they are not a sustainable solution. 

As a result, if you find yourself feeling particularly frazzled, it’s a good idea to try and find better solutions to relieve those temporary spikes of worry. Swap your glass of wine for a soothing mug of camomile tea, and, if junk food is your treatment of choice, try to swap your favourite chocolate bars for healthier but equally delicious snacks.

If a pack of cigarettes is your usual go-to stress buster, the situation can be a little more complex, as nicotine cravings take some time to beat. For now, why not put away your ciggies and look for an alternative? For instance, you may want to give a disposable elf bar a try. These vaping kits help you regulate how much nicotine you absorb, so you can slowly decrease the levels over time. You can browse elf bars from Grey Haze and use them to help you relax while gradually reducing your cravings. 

Start A Stress Journal

When you’re experiencing high levels of stress, it can sometimes feel like your body is a pressure cooker, just waiting to explode. To relieve your overwhelming emotions, lower your heart rate and help you calm down, it may help to vent your feelings in the form of a stress journal. Purchase a cheap notebook, especially for this purpose, and write in it whenever you feel like your stress is getting the better of you. 

Pouring out your worries onto the page can help you to gain a fresh perspective, and relieve that uncomfortable build-up of emotional pressure. You may even want to combine this writing practice with a gratitude journal, where you write down three things you’re thankful for each day. It may sound trite, but gratitude journals can help to remind you of all the good things you have in your life and increase your self-esteem and positivity – which, in turn, can help you nix that stress. 

Cut Down On Social Media 

The UK is seemingly hooked on social media, with 84% of the population boasting social media accounts. That’s not all – the average user spends almost two hours on their social media accounts every single day. While just over half of these ‘social butterflies’ say they use social media to keep in touch with friends and family, which is surely a positive thing, recent research reveals that social media use can have a range of negative effects. These include increased anxiety and depression – indicating that social media is actually causing us stress. 

The good news is that there is a very simple solution to quash the negative feelings caused by too much Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Implementing a ‘social media detox’ into your daily routine can help relieve stress and will help you focus on the good things around you in real life. Give it a try, even if it’s only for a few days, and see what benefits result. If you like the way you feel after a social-free week, then you may want to start using your accounts more mindfully going forward – or delete them altogether.

Have A Cuddle

Human beings are tactile creatures by nature, which means that something as simple as holding hands or giving one another a hug can have a profound positive impact. To help soothe your stress and boost those feelings of security and affection, turn to your partner, your kids, a friend or a family member and share a loving cuddle. 

Even snuggling up with a beloved pet can make a difference, helping to gently but effectively reduce your stress levels as you stroke their soft fur and enjoy basking in their unconditional love. 

Summing Up 

These days, it’s easier than ever to become stressed and burnt out by life’s problems. That’s why it’s so important to focus on introducing a variety of stress-busting techniques into your daily routine. 

Whether it’s cuddling your cat, spending less time on social media, or trying some guided meditation, there are plenty of things you can do to soothe your soul and cultivate some precious calm.