Unique Ways to Recognize Your Employees

Your business couldn’t run as smoothly as it does, or reach the heights it has, without the hard work and dedication of your employees. They work every day to ensure your dynasty continues to flourish, so give them the recognition they deserve. Recognizing your employees positive work ethic can lead to increased motivation at work, better customer service, and all-around happier employees, which helps foster a positive and happy work environment. We provide some fun and unique ways to recognize your employees.


Give them verbal and public praise

Regularly give shout-outs whenever an employee goes above and beyond their call of duty. Whether an employee stepped up to help a coworker out, exceeded expectations, or did anything else beyond their job description to benefit the business, let them know you noticed. Email blasts or a quick mention in a meeting are easy and efficient ways to praise employees on a day-to-day basis.


Take them out to lunch

A one-on-one lunch with the boss is a great way to recognize your employees. They will instantly feel important and appreciated to have an opportunity to spend some time talking with you and getting to know you better. Ask about their goals, offer advice, and simply listen to their ideas. Employees know the day-to-day operations of your company in ways you can’t experience. Listening to their ideas can be mutually beneficial because they can identify issues you may not know exist.


Give them awards

Schedule an award ceremony and have custom plaques or other awards made. Giving them something physical with their name engraved on it shows them they’re being thought about. It’s also something they can keep at their desks to remind them that their work does not go unnoticed and that you and the entire company values them.

There are plenty of ways to ensure your employees know they’re valued and appreciated. Some are as simple as day-to-day shout outs, and some go more in depth like preplanned ceremonies and gifts. Simply get to know your employees, and find out what they respond best to.