What to Do if a Swallowing Disorder is Affecting Your Career

If you have a swallowing disorder, this can have a knock-on effect on the rest of your life, including your career. However, a swallowing disorder does not mean that you have to give up work. Instead, here are some of the steps that you can take to ensure that your career can continue to thrive alongside your swallowing disorder. 

  • Use a Food Thickener

When you have dysphagia, you might struggle to consume the foods and drinks that you love and to swallow easily. Food thickeners can help you to swallow your food more easily by ensuring that the mixture is thicker for you. This will then allow you to eat out and at home without any issues and can ensure that you are able to lead a life that is more similar to the one that you lead prior to your dysphagia diagnosis. Then, you should consider looking at what products such as Simply Thick could offer you and whether they may be able to help you to turn your life and career around. 

  • Speak to Your Boss 

When you have a medical condition, it is important that you speak to your boss about how it is affecting you and your work. This is especially the case if there are adaptations that can be made that would allow you to more easily work with your swallowing disorder. By being open with your manager about your condition and your career, you will both be on the same page and feel more comfortable when you are at work or if you need more time off or are struggling with your condition. 

  • Work from Home

Managing dysphagia can be difficult, and this might mean that you struggle to work in an office all day, especially if you need to eat within this office. If you are struggling to work in an office and need more flexibility so that you can attend medical appointments, you should consider working from home instead. Working from home can allow you to work the same number of hours from a different location that you can ensure is comfortable for you. You will also be able to take more time over meals if you are working from home and will more easily be able to make products with food thickeners in them. You should speak to your boss about working from home or consider looking for a remote position. 

  • Visit a Doctor 

If your swallowing disorder has worsened and this is making it difficult for you to work, you should make sure that you speak to a doctor about your condition and what you can do. They may suggest lifestyle changes, such as eating smaller pieces of food or softer food, or they may be able to give you medications or refer you for swallowing therapies that could help you to manage your condition and improve it. They may also suggest surgery or injections if your condition is serious. 

With this advice, you should be able to better manage your swallowing condition and career together.