What You Need To Understand About Having An App Developed For Your SME

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Any SME can benefit from launching a mobile app – in fact, most customers expect even small businesses to have an app to offer nowadays. Apps give your customers a whole new platform to engage with and help provide a diverse experience that could improve their perception of your business. In addition, mobile apps are growing in value every day, responsible for enormous profits in the US economy. 

You’ll need to do your homework before you get started building your app – there’s a lot to consider. For instance, you could use a cookie-cutter app template bought from an app developer and customized to suit your business’s branding. You could also engage a mobile app development company to have your bespoke app developed; the option you use will depend on how quickly you need the app, your budget, and the functions you need for the app.

Market Research

the first step in any business venture should be market research – you need to know what your customers want and what your competitors are currently providing. This is the part of the process where you can determine if there are any gaps in the market that need to be filled and decide exactly how you’re going to be able to fill them. Be thorough with your research and look at all angles, including:

  • Downloading and testing competitors’ apps 
  • Assessing the features most valued by customers 
  • Identifying gaps in the current marketing 
  • Canvassing opinions from your customers 


Once you’ve done your market research, you’ll need to start thinking about the functions you want for your app. Consider what is popular and also functions that might have been underdeveloped or under-utilized by your competitors. Whatever you choose, you should ensure that it is well-made and developed, offering a quality experience to your customers.


It’s best to hire a professional for the design phase of your app; app design is very different from any other digital design your company might have done previously and will require an expert. You could consider hiring a freelance app designer to ensure that the branding is perfect on your app and consistent with the branding across your other resources.


You might think that testing comes after the app is developed, but this can actually be an inefficient and ineffective way to test. Testing throughout the development process can ensure that issues are caught early, minimizing the cost of fixing them. When you choose the company you want to develop your app, you should ensure they offer a DevSecOps process that folds testing into the development stage – read ForAllSecure’s article to find out why this can be so valuable for businesses.


A big question faced by many SMEs is which store to host your app on. Hosting your app costs money, so using both of the big stores – Apple App Store and Google Play Store – can be pricy. It can also be well worth the cost, as you will ensure your app is downloaded by the broadest range of your customer base possible. If your budget is modest, consider starting with one or the other, deciding which based on your market research. Once you’ve gauged the popularity of your app, you could then launch on other stores to bring your app to more and more customers.


The launch of your app should be carefully planned – you need to build hype around the release and ensure that customers know that the app is coming. You could start by teasing the app’s release on your social media platforms at least a month before the release day. Don’t be too specific with a release date until you’re sure the app is ready to go.

You can then amp up the coverage of the app’s release on your socials and website until the big day itself. You could also offer prizes, rewards or discounts for people who download the app in a certain period after its launch. A launch day party can be another great way to make hype for your app; consider making a prize draw for customers to win tickets.


Once your app is up and running, you’ll need to know how to keep it running smoothly. Updates are a must, with many apps updating on a monthly basis or even more frequently than that. Updates can be used to fix bugs or glitches (though you will ideally have these ironed out in the development stage), launch new features, or update the design.

The Takeaway

Apps can be an incredible investment for SMEs, helping them grow their profile and reputation. They can also be incredibly lucrative and capable of being monetized in a wide range of ways. You should think carefully about what you want your app to look like before you get started on the development process. It is vital to make the best quality app that your budget can stretch to – ensuring your customers get the experience they deserve.