6 Ways Brands Can Make The Most Out Of Instagram Stories

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Currently, millions of people use Instagram. Most Instagram users discover new brands in the Instagram Stories feature and actively check out the photo feeds of brands or personalities.

The majority of brands nowadays readily share content with their audience through Instagram Stories. This feature allows potential customers to learn more about what your brand offers, sparking interest in your products and building trust. 

Instagram Stories are designed so that users can view one story after another. The next one is unknown, and most people prefer to keep clicking instead of exiting. Instagram Stories can captivate users into watching images and videos they didn’t even know they wanted to see, making it the ideal place for brands because of the exposure to a vast audience base. If you’re going to make your brand stand out on Instagram, you need to know what your competition is up to. One way to keep up with the current trends is to use a reliable Instagram story viewer

The brief appearance of the stories makes them appealing, but there are ways to make the most of Instagram Stories, especially if you want to improve brand awareness and recognition. Here are some things brands should think about when using Instagram Stories to increase reach, engagement, and client acquisition.


1. Make Attention-Grabbing Announcements

Instagram Stories is an excellent way to quickly broadcast company announcements such as a new product or service and general updates due to the feature’s instantaneous nature.

This feature is a great opportunity to present behind-the-scenes footage of your brand. If you take this approach, your followers will feel like they have the chance to get a first look at the latest news and learn more about your company. Make sure to upload multiple photos on your Instagram Stories to make them engaging for your followers. On the other hand, knowing how to download Instagram stories will be useful if you want to save your own or those from other brands for future reference.  

The insights you can add may include presenting a sneak peek into an upcoming product or service, the latest delivery options, or new packaging. These posts will show your brand’s human aspect, increasing brand awareness and engagement.


2. Always Put Your Branding On Display

Always present your unique branding on your Instagram stories, just like on any other social media platform, to boost brand awareness and make an impact on your target audience. The primary goal is for your audience to recognize your content without even looking at your logo or brand name.

Your branding initiatives don’t need to be prominent. In most cases, adding hints of your brand colors and selecting standard filters and fonts is sufficient. Using distinct colors and fonts will help your business stand out and keep users from passing over your material.


3. Maximize The Story Highlights Feature

The release of Instagram Story Highlights has been a huge hit. This feature serves as a personal display of favorites among regular users. For brands, the ability to pin Stories to the top of your profile acts as an extension of your bio.

It might be time to use the highlights feature to show the audience who lands on your page what your brand is all about. You can turn your Instagram page into an informative pamphlet or brochure if you make several of your standout stories the profile’s highlights and add an eye-catching cover.

Try to use attention-grabbing covers and relevant content your audience can check out. This approach will keep them on your page for a longer time.


4. Unite With Other Brands Or Influencers To Form Partnerships Or Collaborations

If you want to maximize Instagram Stories, take advantage of the opportunity to collaborate with other brands and influencers.

It might be time to collaborate with a relevant business that your followers might benefit from or with a customer who is also an influencer. The approach can give your brand and the company you’ll be partnering with better exposure and entice the attention of potential buyers.  

Collaborations with influencers might require a budget. However, there are various ways you can collaborate over Instagram stories, so think of ways your business can benefit from it. 


5. Use Questions To Your Advantage

Apart from the interactive nature of polls, the questions you can use in Instagram Stories allow brands to invite their followers to ask any question they want, or the other way around, where you ask your followers questions.

Consider it a critical feature that’ll aid in developing a community while encouraging customer interaction. Showing that you value their opinions and eagerly answer questions establishes your brand as a trustworthy authority.


6. Make Interactive Polls For Your Audience

Now that everything is digital, polls are going along with the trend. Using polls in your Instagram stories is a fun way to engage with your audience. 

The data you’ll gather from your polls will be helpful for market research, customer feedback, and getting to know your audience more effectively.

If it’s your first attempt at using polls, you have a variety of possibilities to try out. Focusing on creative campaigns tailored to your brand or target audience is the best place to start.

Since Instagram continues to release updates that promote better engagement with followers, the interaction that various brands enjoy on Instagram Stories will likely stay and even evolve.


Final Thoughts 

With millions of subscribers around the globe, Instagram is one of the essential social media platforms brands should include in their marketing efforts. Knowing how to make the most of the Instagram Stories feature can bring about several benefits, such as a wider reach, better engagement, and enhanced conversions.